
Welcome on the website dedicated eStats statistics script. You can download it here, report bugs or features requests and see its demo.

Recent events important for the project

I am proud to announce that eStats 4.0.50 has been placed on CD enclosed to Komputer Świat Ekspert (no 5 2007 (38)) and described in article Strona na podglądzie. :-)

18.05.2007 20:17:10 Author: Emdek

First update for eStats 4.5 was released. :-)
Contains fixes of some bugs and completed German translation (Fuma), update is highly recommended.

06.05.2007 11:51:26 Author: Emdek

eStats 4.5 finally official released. :-)

01.05.2007 08:56:27 Author: Emdek
Script documentation

Process of creation of documentation of script has been started today, first article is available already. :-)
Happy Easter :-).

08.04.2007 17:20:58 Author: Emdek

RC version of eStats 4.5 was released. :-)
Project's website has also enriched thanks to new graphics from Kober :-).

02.04.2007 15:57:01 Author: Emdek

Propably the last issue of 4.0 series was released. Upgrade or waiting for 4.5 serie is recommended. ;-)

11.03.2007 00:00:00 Author: Emdek

Beta version of eStats 4.5 is finally available, I invite for tests. ;-)

04.03.2007 01:50:28 Author: Emdek

Alfa version of eStats 4.5 is available for tests. :-)

26.01.2007 20:43:03 Author: Emdek

As I promised, preview version of eStats 4.5 is available. :-)
Not everything works correctly, but You can become familiar with new features of arriving version. ;-)

30.12.2006 17:12:36 Author: Emdek
Temporary problems with server

Website was not working property cause replace server software, situation should became better in a short time...

By the way, I wish You Mary Christmas and a Happy New Year. :-)

24.12.2006 10:17:38 Author: Emdek

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Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

Albert Einstein