eStats project
Free web statistics
Welcome on the website dedicated eStats statistics script. You can download it here, report bugs or features requests and see its demo.
Recent events important for the project
Fixed reported (one hour ago ;-)) bugs. Changes in files: index.php and templates/Default/style.css.
Some small fixes.
I fixed two small bugs, changes in files languages/en-English.php, include/global.php and index.php.
Today was released stable version 3.2, changes are listed in the Changelog.
I completed the website, FAQ, etc.
Today was released stable version 3.1, changes in the Changelog. Version 3.2 is almost ready. ;-)
I fixed small bug in one of template files, inappropriate title of login button. README files were moved into docs/ directory.
Today I give You for tests version 3.1, in which are a lot of small changes. ;-)
Details will be appear in the Changelog in next week. This version is compatible with 3.0.x.
Today was released a new version of script, eStats 3.0, details in the Changelog.
By the way, today was started the new project page. :-)
Albert EinsteinFalling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do — but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it.